I might be alone in this, but I hate seeing hyphens in lieu of 0’s in tables and charts. Here’s what it looks like: To change these dashes to 0’s select either the column or axis and press Ctrl/Command-1 to open formatting options. The formula, if you will follows this structure: Positive; Negative; Zero; […]
Search Results for: excel
Formatting Dates in Excel
You’re not limited to the date formats built into Excel. You can format them however your heart desires. The underlying value (the exact date) will not change. You can tell by looking in the Formula Bar when you select a formatted date. To open the Format Cells dialog, just select the cells you want to […]
Show Change As A Delta Symbol in Excel
When I’m working with tables or charts, I like to make labels as short as possible. So when I’m showing a change in a metric over time, like percent difference, I’ll use the delta symbol (Δ) instead of writing out “change” or “difference.” To do this, just type a capital D (I think of d […]